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subarachnoid spaces中文是什么意思

用"subarachnoid spaces"造句"subarachnoid spaces"怎么读"subarachnoid spaces" in a sentence


  • 蛛网膜下腔


  • Subarachnoid space cerebrospinal fluid
  • Study on treatment of trigeminal neuralgia after subarachnoid space transplantation with bovine chromaffin cells
  • Articles with central neuron subarachnoid space transplantation migration spinal cord and cerebral cortex
  • Analgesic effect of transplantation of micro - encapsulated adrenal medulla - chromaffin cells to subarachnoid space on patients with advanced cancer
  • Concentration change of catecholamine and leucine - enkephalin in sheep cerebrospinal fluid after apa microencapsulated bovine chromaffin cells transplantation to the spinal subarachnoid space
  • Aim : 1 . to establish a lidocaine subarachnoid anesthesia death model with dogs , observe the vital sign and pathology of dogs after a lethal dose of lidocaine being injected into subarachnoid space . 2
    目的1 、本研究选择狗建立利多卡因蛛网膜下腔麻醉致死的动物模型,观察狗蛛网膜下腔麻醉致死过程的生命体征变化和死后组织脏器的病理改变。
  • Collection and preservation of samples : as soon as the three vital signs disappeared , the dogs were anatomized , and the heart , liver , kidney , spleen , lung , brain , muscle in the injection location and no injection location , the heart blood , urine , bile , cerebrospinal fluid ( csf ) in the lateral ventricle and spinal subarachnoid space , spinal cord ( medulla oblongata , cervical cord , the upper beast spinal cord , breast spinal cord and waist spinal cord ) were taken out , some of which were preserved at - 20 for qualitative and quantitative analysis , and the others were fixed with 4 % formaldehyde for the pathology observation
    3 、样品采集:当心电、血压和呼吸全部消失时,迅速解剖动物,采取心脏、肝脏、肾脏、脾脏、肺脏、大脑、注射部位肌肉、注射部位20cm以外肌肉、心血、尿液、胆汁、侧山西医科大学硕士学位论文脑室脑脊液、脊髓腔脑脊液和不同节段的脊髓(包括延髓、颈髓、上胸部脊髓、胸部脊髓和腰部脊髓)等组织,冷冻保存。 4 、病理观察:采取心脏、肝脏、 ’肾脏、脾脏、肺脏、大脑、脊髓等组织, 4 %甲醛固定,石蜡包埋,切片, he染色,光镜观察。
用"subarachnoid spaces"造句  
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